Useful links

Informative support for planning a funeral and dealing with the impact of a death.

Hopefully, the information on our site has answered any specific questions you may have about our services. Below is a guide to where you can find further information about funeral regulations, bereavement support and other charitable organisations. If you have any other queries, please contact us and we will do our best to help.

To view our standardised price list, click here.


Guidelines for Arranging a Funeral booklet.

The first few days following a death seem to consist of an endless succession of decisions along with a great deal of paperwork. This booklet is intended to help you through the practicalities with factual information and guidance regarding registration, arranging the funeral and any relevant legal matters.

Prepaid funeral plans documentation.

Freeman Brothers fully understands the concerns that many people have about their own funeral arrangements when the time comes, whether they be wishing to remove a cost burden from family or ensuring that your wishes are carried out. Our prepaid funeral plans enable you to select the arrangements of your choice and pay for them at today’s prices, with a guarantee of no further costs for the specified inclusions.

Freeman Brothers is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the sale of prepaid funeral plans. FCA reference number 962064. For more information about our prepaid funeral plans, please click here.


Download link for the Freeman Brothers Funeral Directors prepaid funeral plans brochure

Prepaid funeral plans information brochure

Download link for the Freeman Brothers Funeral Directors prepaid funeral plans application form

Application for prepaid funeral plans

Download link for the Freeman Brothers Funeral Directors prepaid funeral plans tailormade application form

Tailor-Made prepaid funeral plan application form

Embalming: Your questions answered.

This leaflet is designed to answer some basic questions you may have about embalming (which is also known as ‘hygienic treatment’), to enable you to consent to this procedure being carried out.

Creating an Order of Service.

We appreciate a bereavement is a very difficult time and we are here to assist you in creating a personal Order of Service as a fitting tribute and keepsake for friends and family to cherish.

Price lists.

Price list for our funeral services

This leaflet gives our costs for funeral services and includes details of our service charges, staff costs and transport provision.

Price list for our coffins

This leaflet provides details of the range of coffins offered by Freeman Brothers. Other bespoke options are available from our trusted suppliers: contact any of our branches for more information.

Price list for our services (Cremation only)

This leaflet gives our costs for a bespoke funeral package for an unattended, ‘direct’ cremation. It also includes details of our service charges, staff costs and transport provision as well as non-essential items that you can choose to add.

Price list for Additional Items

This leaflet outlines the costs involved in bringing deceased persons into our care, the management of ashes and provision of other additional items including the interment of cremated remains.

Price list for our funeral services

Price list for our coffins

Price list for our services (Cremation only)

Price list for Additional Items

Further information on the funeral industry.

National Association of Funeral Directors

National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors

UK Government

What to do when someone dies: step by step

British Institute of Embalmers

National Association of Memorial Masons

How to access bereavement support.

Here, we’ve listed a variety of bereavement organisations from a charity supporting children in the South East of the UK to healthcare information and more.


Grief and bereavement advice

Jigsaw (South East)

Children’s bereavement charity

Winston's Wish

Bereavement support for children and young people bereaved of a parent or sibling

Mind (the mental health charity)

Bereavement information

The Good Grief Trust

Information by the bereaved for the bereaved


Stillbirth and neonatal death charity


Peer-to-peer support for those who lose a partner before the age of 51

National Suicide Prevention Alliance

Other charitable organisations.

We are often asked for advice regarding charities, particularly when choosing one to donate to in memory of a loved one. We prefer not to make recommendations (as we believe that the choice should be entirely yours) however we are happy to direct you towards wider information on the options available, which can be found below.

Charity Commission

Search the charity register

Find that charity

Charitable organisations directory

Call us at any time on 01403 254590 or email

Our advice is always provided free of charge and without obligation.